Saturday, May 8, 2010


Life has been crazy, to say the least, but we are still alive. To briefly update - the weather here is insane: snowing one day, sunny and warm the next! My friend, Melanie, and I were talking about how it would be nice to put away seasonal clothes instead of having to leave them out because you never know when you'll need gloves and a scarf or just a t-shirt. We're supposed to have some snow next week... hello!?? it's freaking May! What ever happened to spring? Anyhow, still love Colorado!
I'm training to run the BoulderBoulder 10K on Memorial Day. It's the largest 10K in the country, hopefully I don't get run over! But I do enjoy a good run and today I took Logan with me... he slept in the stroller for over an hour! I'm so glad he enjoys being outside.
Speaking of what Logan enjoys... he and I just finished our Water Waddles, mommy and me, swim lessons. He loves the pool and did wonderfully! The only baby in the class who didn't cry when we dipped them under water :) I can't wait until summer when we can take him swimming and soak up the sun! He is 9 months old and crawling now... what?! That's right, crawling! He moves around like a little caterpillar, doesn't have the whole opposite arm and leg thing down yet. But it's stinking adorable and he can move really fast! He's also clapping, semi-waving hello and good-bye, giving the BEST slobbery kisses in the world, says "da-da", "ma-ma", and "na-na", LOVES to give head-butts (or "bonks" as we call them) and is trying to master the art of pulling himself up to a standing position.
Although he's very active and spunky, he still loves to cuddle with his momma which makes my heart melt! It'll be so nice to celebrate Mother's Day with him tomorrow.
Dan is in Washington D.C. enjoying the warm weather and taking in all the sites so it's just Logi and I for the next few days.
Not a whole lot of excitement going on. Just enjoying every minute with Logan. Here are some pictures Valeri took of him when he was 6 months and one of us at the beach in Cali. I'll post more recent ones next week, hopefully!


Jessica said...

it's about time you post some pics!! he is so cute! can't believe he is crawling already!!

Aubrey said...

holy moly! i can't believe how big your little guy has gotten. what a fun age he is at right now. i love all of the pictures. your little boy is so cute- and so are you. you are one hot momma! :) i love the updates- keep them coming!